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We are committed to acting with honesty and integrity and conducting all corporate opportunities in an ethical manner.
As a fiduciary to our shareholders, we strive to promote exemplary corporate governance that ensures NETSTREIT's corporate strategy aligns with our values. We also endeavor to have a Board with a strong mix of perspectives and experiences.
100 3 Fully Independent Committees
43% Female Directors
50% Diverse Independent Directors
86% Independent Directors
Board Independence and Diversity
NETSTREIT has a balance of experienced and independent directors: six out of seven are independent. Our Audit, Compensation, and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committees are comprised of fully independent directors as well. We have a proactive commitment to diversity. 43% of our directors are women and 29% of directors are racially/ethnically diverse.
Corporate Responsibility
NETSTREIT is committed to fulfilling its responsibility as an outstanding corporate citizen. The Company’s mission is to be the leader in the net lease industry by practicing and implementing innovative, impactful Environmental, Social, and Governance policies with the highest ethical standards. NETSTREIT aligns its corporate responsibility efforts to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Good Health & Well-Being
Promote health and well-being in our offices. Company provides insurance benefits to our employees and family. Company provides employees with fitness memberships.
Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Company provides continuing education for employees and offers paid internships to college students.
Gender Equality
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities at all levels of decision-making. Over 40% of the board members and employee base are female.
Decent Work &
Economic GrowthPromote sustained, inclusive, full, and decent productive employment. Company culture promotes inclusivity and growth.
InequalitiesReduced inequality and empower and promote inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, or economic status. Company culture promotes and empowers inclusivity of all. Company has efforts to recruit in underserved communities.
Corporate Policies and Governance Documents
Find NETSTREIT's Corporate Policies, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and Committee Charters on our Governance Page.